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As announced during the very exciting global call, we are taking the daisy contributor support to the next level !

We proudly present to you our D.AIS.Y support bot and ticketing system on Telegram!!


This new bot and ticketing system will give everyone a helping hand with almost any tech issues you might face.

It can also be used to clarify anything regarding the payplan, current promotions, and any other questions you or your team may have.

Please understand, there are still REAL admins working on the other end, so PLEASE use this bot for "real" problems only and not for plain entertainment .


In order to talk to an admin and get your questions answered, you have to select "create a new support ticket", please don't just use the chat function without creating a new support ticket.

Any time you have a new inquiry, please select the menu and choose "new support ticket". The system will register your request and begin the process of answering your question.

The new chat bot and customer service ticketing system will protect the community from fake admins and customer service scams popping up within the telegram groups, and will be replacing our current community group chat.

We hope, you'll love our new system as much as we do.

Follow the link:


My telegram group

Daisy Official Channel


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Calculate what you need to do to live your best life with Daisy | NEW CALCULATOR EXPLAINED

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Limitless is the moment that will boost D.AI.SY into a new era, and the announcements, training, and inspiration you will receive will be life-chang.

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Daisy Pacesetters Ask Critical Questions

Endotech IPO - Equity Price Model

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A True Financial Breakthrough Opportunity!



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Why is Daisy the Holy Grail of AI

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Interview with EndoTech CEO Dr. Anna Becker, PhD

Daisy AI - Hedge Fund Q&A With Ilya Manin

Daisy AI Crowd Fund Overview Presentation March 18, 2023

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Daisy AI - Thursday - 23rd Mar 23

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Daisy - $2,400 ($2.4K) Live Withdrawal

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Daisy Crowd Fund becomes regulated Hedge Fund | Latest updates | Game-changing move

Why is DAISY not a pyramid?

March 22, 2022

Latest Daisy Forex AI Trading Statistics

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Momentum-pakketten - essentials

01/ Bij het kopen van Momentum-pakketten gaat 90% van het bedrag naar trading voor testing en development.

02/ Momentum-pakketten zijn eenmalig beschikbaar vanaf tier 3 en Tier 4.

03/ Unlimited Momentum Packs alleen beschikbaar vanaf tier 5 en tot 31 mei!

04/ Level 1 voor nieuwe leden is nu Combo-pakket bij registratie (Crypto tier 1 en Forex tier 1) voor $ 200

05/ (IPO)Aandelen in EndoTech beschikbaar vanaf tier 3, één aandeel. Tier 4 = 2 aandelen, Tier 5 = 4 aandelen, enzovoorts.

Er is nog nooit een beter moment geweest om lid te worden van de DAISY-community!

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An earnings calculator for Daisy! tutorial

March 7 TH,2023 Daisy AI - Huge Updates From Dubai TOLD YOU SO

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Daisy Crowd Fund Becomes A Hedge Fund - Get The Details - Why Is This A Game Changer

Why 4 Or More Daisy Forex Builder Bonus Shares Could Be Worth BIG Residual Income

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Liquid Mining has officially gone public! The platform is available for Non-D.AI.SY (https://daisy.global/) users as well!

That means anyone can now be a part of Liquid Mining!


Choose your option - buy NFT and start mining right away. Yes, it's that simple!

But don't wait too long - our supply is limited, so if you want to get in on the action, now is the time to act.

⚡️ Let's discover the future of mining together - join us at

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Liquid NFT was launched.

⁃ Liquid mining is now live for all

- Mining begins IMMEDIATELY when you buy your Liquid NFT

⁃ Official Liquid mining Telegram channel: https://t.me/nftliquid

⁃ You can now access the website through your TRON wallet at

⁃ Liquid NFT allows you to mine tokens every minute of every day, for way less money then it would ever cost to buy them!

⁃ The liquid whitepaper https://liquid-3.gitbook.io/liquid/

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Liquid Mining - For DAISY Members and non members

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Mining :


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Unbelievable Results From Our Daisy Earnings Calculator - Find Out How Much You Can Earn!

New Calculator 25/02/2023

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It's a now a combo. Tier 1 Crypto and Tier 1 Forex are now combined due to increased blockchain fees.

Daisy AI Crowd Fund Opportunity Overview Recording | March 4, 2023

Daisy AI | Major Updates & New Partnership

Daisy Forex Achiever Bonus Explained - How It Works - How To Qualify - Why Next 90 Days Matters

Daisy Forex Builder Bonus Pool Explained | How To Qualify | Why Next 90 Days Matters

Withdrawing Daisy Trading Rewards To Buy Tiers | Pros and Cons | Get More Endotech Equity

2 month old account (make no mistake i have been a member for 2 years from the first day already)

Daisy AI | Major Updates & New Partnership

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TOLD YOU SO Event 2023 - Highlights!

1. Existing Daisy crowdfunding model to end on 31st May 2023.

⁃ Daisy will migrate to a fully licensed hedge fund by 1st June 2023

⁃ Existing Daisy Crypto and Forex trading algos will continue working and all rewards will continue for both contributors and referral plan!

⁃ No new Endotech shares will be distributed to members from 1st June 2023

⁃ New Builders and Achievers shares will end May 31st, and the Builders Pool and Achievers Pool will pay through May 31st, 2024!!

⁃ This means: PERMANENT BUILDERS POOL WILL BE MASSIVE FROM JUNE 1ST 2023 TO JUNE 1ST 2024! Get 20k in volume in March, April, and May and secure your permanent shares in this pool! Builders Pool will be even BIGGER than the achievers pool!

2. Liquid NFT was launched.

⁃ Liquid mining is now live for all Daisy members

- Mining begins IMMEDIATELY when you buy your Liquid NFT

⁃ Official Liquid mining Telegram channel: https://t.me/nftliquid

⁃ You can now access the website through your TRON wallet at www.LiquidMining.com

⁃ Liquid NFT allows you to mine tokens every minute of every day, for way less money then it would ever cost to buy them!

⁃ The liquid whitepaper https://liquid-3.gitbook.io/liquid/

3. Events in 2023 and 2024

⁃ There will several events held in 2023 in Europe and Asia

⁃ Budapest September 2023

⁃ Tokyo October 2023

- Osaka October 2023

⁃ Leadership Event in Phuket Thailand December 2023. Requirement is 5,000,000 USDT in volume until 31st August 2023.

⁃ Global event 2024 will be called Limitless 2024. Tickets can be purchased with crypto on https://limitless2024.com/

4. Endotech Equity reduction

⁃ For the remainder of the crowdfunding, Tier 1 and 2 will have no Endotech shares.

⁃ Tier 3 will have 1 share and each Tier will double in shares.

5. Tier 3 Momentum packs and UNLIMITED MOMENTUM PACKS till May 31st, 2023

⁃ Momentum packs now start at Tier 3.

⁃ Unlimited Momentum Packs ARE BACK for tiers 3-10.

6. Tier 1 is now a combo pack

⁃ Tier 1 is now a combo pack only, where it is 200 USDT, and a new member gets tier 1 in Crypto and tier 1 in Forex.

⁃ This is due to the heavy increase in transaction fees after the new Tron vote. It was no longer cost effective to spend too much in fees on a 100 USDT tier. This also allows the new member to see the results of both Crypto AI and Forex AI.

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How To Join Daisy Global AI Trading crowdfunding

Daisy & Endotech - Most Detailed Presentation In English

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An earnings calculator for Daisy! tutorial

NR'S Earnings Breakdown


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How To Join Daisy crowdfunding

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Daisy AI --How to translate pdf Daisy ai file + Translate any YouTube video

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Daisy AI - Thursday Tron change explained + Security - 16th Feb 23

28/01/2023 8:02 Results forex


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How To Join Daisy crowdfunding

Number 1

How To Join Daisy Global AI Trading crowdfunding

Step guide

Number 6
Number 5
Number 4
Number 3
Number 2


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How To Join Daisy Global AI Trading crowdfunding

$1000 that becomes $5000

How To Join Daisy Global AI Trading crowdfunding

Watch the entire video below


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All links can be found under the video the calculator also + step by step instructions and a step by step site to share with your prospects without referral link ...2 New video's inside Dutch and Arabic video ...

Results + hot news? Stay up to date 👉

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DAISY GLOBAL CALL's Replay's in 12 languages

Daisy AI Crowd Fund Overzicht Presentatie Nederlands 2023

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Gagner 1.000 ou 10.000 par mois avec l'Intelligence artificielle sur le forex avec Daisy

عرض مشروع ديزي 2023

عرض مشروع دايزي فوركس

View the Daisy Forex project arabic


دليل الخطوة

كيف تنضم إلى Daisy Global AI Trading للتمويل الجماعي

Dec 30 End of 2022 Statistics for Daisy Forex AI

$1000 that becomes $5000


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Daisy AI Crowd Fund Overview Presentation Jan 9, 2023


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How To Join Daisy Global AI Trading crowdfunding

$1000 that becomes $5000

Daisy новейшая презентация 1 февраля 2023, А.Хохлатов

Новый формат презентации DAISY. Вопросы ответы по Хэдж Фонду. Илья Манин. - kopie

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Following my thoughts and a first solution to high gas fees on tier contributions:

First and foremost, that the raise of fees has not been an idea by our founders it has been decided by Tron Network itself and is has been a big surprise for all of us.

Digging a bit, I found out this:

"Tron raised transaction fee, error FAILED OUT OF ENERGY when sending TRC20

2 days ago the TRON network raised the transaction fee, which caused some TRC20 transfers (USDT, USDC, BTT,...) to stop going out.

The official reason for raised energy price was announced in their twitter: "After the proposal takes effect, it will effectively restrain the growth of the number of low-value smart contract transactions and reduce the harm they may bring."

So, it definitely brings them more money, yes, but it also might make our wallets more safe.

In the end we all have to accept the facts and find solutions.

One solution definitely is to buy/rent energy via a third party.

First I struggled a bit doing so as I always teach me team to stay away from third parties, but again, after doing 2 days of research and talking to a few people, that know well about networks, I came to the conclusion, that it is recommendable to do.

In the end we all have to take decisions for ourselves and do a proper risk evaluation.

In my case it wouldn't make sense to rent energy as I am already at a high tier and for the next tier I will be getting it's absolutely fine to even pay a 50$ fee.

For tier 1 I agree, that it doesn't make much sense to pay 50usdt in case you wanna stay a passive member. But in my opinion it also does in case you are a builder.

Let's all remember, with daisy we are mounting us a proper business in which we don't have to invest anything for employees, insurance, office space, equipment and so on.

If someone wants to check daisy out by contributing to Tiers 1-3 for example, it does make sense to get energy. You will have it for 3 days and every 24hours you could book one tier with just getting once the energy from a third party.

It's very simple to do, my conclusion after research is, that tronpulse.io seems to be the best.

I will share my private tutorial (again, this is not an official recommendation by daisy), feel free to try and share at your own risk.

I have done it with an active account and it worked absolutely fine.

Have a great day

(By the way, many times I am grateful for "problems" as they push me to find solutions, which sometimes are really good and without that problem, I wouldn't have found them

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How To Join Daisy Global AI Trading crowdfunding

To share with your team without refferal link


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If you don't have a sponsor use my referral link

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How To Join Daisy Global AI Trading crowdfunding

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Direckt link Calculator

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How To Join Daisy Global AI Trading crowdfunding

Compound intrest Calculator

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How To Join Daisy Global AI Trading crowdfunding Step 1

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Number 2

Step 3 - Fund Your Tronlink Wallet

Number 3

Buy USDT-TRC20 Quickest way:

Buy USDT-TRC20 using your credit/debit card in your Klever Wallet app

Klever Wallet:https://klever.io

Or use CoinZoom to buy USDT-TRC20



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Step 4 - Stake TRX To Increase Bandwidth

Number 4
Number 5

Step Demonstration

There are no need to create password while registering in Daisy. Just need to approve and confirm to access your wallet with wallet password. If you want to cut off extra fees please do nessasary things as follows.

01. Use powerful network connection while registering daisy

02. Make sure your mobile device or your pc have enough memory ( clear browser cash etc.. ) to avoid your device stuck while registering

03. Do not touch back button or cancel buttons middle of the process.

04. Make sure your wallet have at least 500 trx for gas feeses before register or upgrade your tiers (each tier need around 300-500 trx for gas fees)

Make sure they are not in staking. In case you have not enough to pay the transaction, what you have might be burned. We always need around 15$ each tier and due to the drop of value, that means currently at least 300trx. Basically a smart contract interaction costs energy and if you do not have enough energy then a certain amount of trx gets burnt from your wallet as fees.

There is another way how to save a lot of TRX for people that are buying more than one tier. There is possibility to buy energy and then you won't need to have so much TRX for all tiers. There is a website that you enter and buy energy with your TRX. Usually it is necessary about 300k energy for 1 tier purchase and in that place you can choose amount that you need and when you buy tier in daisy then it won't use TRX for purchase but instead will use energy. To interact with any smart contract we need energy and if you have enough of it then the transaction will not cost any additional trx. There are a couple ways to get energy:

1) You can stake some trx to get energy but it costs a lot

e.g to buy 1 tier on daisy we need about 300k-350k energy(will have to check the current rate) which will cost about 12500-14500 trx to be staked. If someone has this amount of trx lying around then its the best option as your transaction becomes almost free.

2) Another option is to just buy energy from a marketplace. This is an amazing alternative that I learnt about. For about 40 trx you can buy around 350k energy for 3 days use which means your cost per tier buy now becomes only 40 trx!! Some of the energy marketplaces are Tronpulse.io, Tokengoodies.com and tronlending.org etc

Step 6 - How To Rebuy Tiers

Number 6

Step 6

DAISY AI trading income, withdraw at any time

How to withdraw Daisy Crypto or Forex Trading Rewards From Your Back Office :

Some important details:

There is no fixed return. It all depends on market and ai. Request Withdraw: Forex market closes weekends that's why the Weekend withdrawal, 8pm UTC Friday to 8pm UTC Sunday.

Crypto market is 24/7 it can be anytime.As we roll out the initial withdraws, for now there will be a $20 total trading profit minimum in order to be able to withdraw. There will be a $3.00 fee deducted from the total profits to cover the blockchain energy fee.The profit rewards are then 70% to the contributor and another 15% to the smart contract rewards plan.

Members can choose how much of the available rewards they wish to withdraw as long as the total profit is above $20.

Withdraws will be paid out once a day, and could take up to 48 hours to transfer from daisy fund into the smart contract.

Unilevel residual rewards will accumulate in the smart contract and can be withdrawn from your back office at any time in a single transaction.

Simular to pacesetter rewards, members withdrawing their unilevel bonus will pay the small 3-5 trx fee for each withdraw.

Any rewards not withdrawn are automatically added to your active trading balance and re-invested, Automatic compound interest investment.

Daisy Forex AI Presentation Oct 2022 :

Dubai Speech Dr. Anna Becker 2021:

Friendly reminder:

1. No financial advice can be given You have to go through the materials and determine by yourself if this is a good investment for you.

2. No one can predict the future ROI an it's not wise to promise you any ROI.

3. This is not an investment. You are contributing to a crowdfund. Read/watch the material to understand then make an informed decision

4.The DAISY AI smart contract has been formed. Once invested, Crowd funds cannot exit arbitrarily. After the development of the DAISY AI system is completed, DAISY will provide a withdrawal plan for trading funds, but you can always withdraw trading profits without time limit.

5.Daisy maintains long-term stable profitability under the premise of ensuring the safety of funds. This is a long-term project, not a short-term profiteering project.

6. Purchasing the Daisy Crowd Fund packages is a contribution to the equity crowd fund for the Daisy AI development and not a trading investment. DAISY is giving both shares of stock in the company and profit sharing from trading results, to each Contributor as crowd funding rewards.

7. Right now you can only withdraw profits. Later on when crowd funding limit has reached and goes public, you can withdraw everything if you want.

DAISY Global is a disruptive crowd funding model for financial technologies, a trusted Crypto & Forex AI trading platform with broad prospects and development potential. DAISY Global is A Crowdfunding smart contract that offers profits, equity and income to every member.

The future belong's to you!

$100 can buy Pizzas and beers for ... a day


$700 can become $273K in 4 years... $1.7M in 5 years!

$1500 can become $629K in 4 years... $1.4M in 4.5 years!

$3100 can become $267k in 3 years.... $1.3M in 4 years!

This hypothetical scenario is based on the results of Daisy Forex AI testing and development trading pool since April compounding your profits @ 4% raw profit / week and after deduction of fees. Actual weekly average is 4.8% +

NB: Past performance does NOT guarantee future performance. The projections are purely hypothetical outcomes to show potential outcomes. Actual results are based on market conditions and AI performance.

Daisy AI ‐ What happens when the DAISY Crowd Fund ends? | Daisy AI Trading Fund future looks amazing

For anyone who wants to delve into the 100% transparency of the platform, the smart contracts on the blockchain. And whether to be able to show people where all the funds are now going, for example, and whether the community has actually been paid out!

No doubt about this for us, of course, that is the beauty of the blockchain and smart contracts. All actions on the blockchain are recorded forever. Smart contracts execute immediately and cannot be manipulated.

Readable Smart contracts for Daisy

Proxy to see transactions:


Router to find user data:


Gold Pacesetter pool:


Leadership pool:


Matrix bonus:


Daisy Smart Contract Training


Enter registration link: https://daisy.global/contribute/ref/roberto


Trading on financial markets involves significant risks and can bring both, profits and losses.

This website publishes both, general profitability indicators and profitability statistics using the income of one of the participants in the DAISY + Endotech crowdfunding model as an example.

Past trading performance does not guarantee future successful trades.

This information is for educational and informational purposes only, and does not constitute individual investment advice.

You are solely responsible for your actions and decisions when using this information.